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Concert Information



Participation in the end of the year dance concert is not mandatory; it is strongly encouraged however and is considered an important part of the overall
dance experience. 

Dancing is a performing art and the performance is the highlight of a dancer's experience, something for them to look forward to and to strive for.

Being part of a performance helps build
self-esteem and self-confidence and gives students a chance to showcase the results of all of their hard work, dedication, and progress.

All of our students, regardless of level,
are invited to perform in our annual recital.
The rehearsal process is also a
tremendous learning experience as well.
It helps the children develop retention skills, and by working with their classmates on a group performance, they learn the positive aspects of working as a team to create the best end result.

The anticipation and excitement will build each week as the performance date nears and although partiality is not shown in classes towards dancers who choose not to participate they inevitably will begin to feel left out. 
If you are in doubt regarding your child’s participation in the dance recital,
please contact us to discuss the issue.



The dance concert is an exciting time but it is also an important commitment.


The dress rehearsal will be scheduled the day before the dance recital.  Your child's class will have a designated time for dress rehearsal. Younger children will be scheduled earlier and older children will be scheduled later.  

The day & times of the dress rehearsal and dance concert will be provided in March  If you commit your child to participate in the annual dance recital they will be required to be present at the mandatory dress rehearsal in order to perform in the dance recital.

If your child misses more than 5 classes after January they will not be permitted 
to participate in the dance concert.  If your child misses more than 2 dress rehearsal practices, they will not be permitted to participate in the Concert.

Concert participation forms will be handed out the first & second week in March in which you will be asked to indicate if your dancer will or will not be participating. 

If you choose to participate your form must be returned no later than March 10th th along with the full costume payment for each class in which your child will be performing in.


Students will learn a different recital routine for each class they are enrolled in; students in multiple classes are encouraged to participate in the performance of each of their classes. 

There is a different costume associated with each class. 

Children will be measured for their costumes (staff will show parents how to measure) 
Costumes will be handed out by  November and May

If you paid for a costume and then your child dropped out of class, you may pick up your costume after June 15th. 

All costumes not picked up by the end of June will become the property of the UCPA LLC.


Costume Fees vary for each class depending upon the level and age group
Prices do not include tights or shoes.

If you drop out of the concert but
remain in class, you will receive your costume when they are given out in mid-May. Concert Fees are $45 per student and $35 per sibling.

No refunds will be given.


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